Dynamo, a design agency, commissioned Steven Noble to create some illustrations for the world famous "The Temple Bar Pub" in Dublin, Ireland for their packaging whiskey line of labels. The Temple Bar is probably the most iconic bar in Ireland. Its hospitality is internationally renowned along with its extensive whiskey collection. The proprietor Tom Cleary wanted to revive the family tradition of blending and bottling its own whiskey in the pub cellars which was the norm in Irish pubs over one hundred years ago. Our key brief objective was to develop an iconic whiskey brand that respects the values and singular integrity associated with Irish Whiskey, while capturing the heritage and uniqueness that is The Temple Bar Pub.
The illustrations included the The Temple Bar Pub front and corner facade of the building along with the fiddle and barrel in a scratchboard engraving style. The illustration of the building was also simplified for the oval shaped embossed coin at the top of the bottles. (see photo)

Embossed metal coin